Sunday, June 7, 2020

Starter Sets And Such Part 3

Well, here it is then, another battle report from the starter set! There's not too much to say in introduction, so here we go!

This is the scenario that's meant to teach about battleshock (aka gw's way of handling morale) and you can bet that it... basically didn't come up during the whole fight.

The scenario begins with some storm guys on top of a box, waiting for the approach of chain ghosts! They approach the crypt and/or temple and the crossbow knights fire mightily! And miss every shot. Again. *sigh*

The chainghosts do their thing (float) and reach the top of the temple and/or crypt, but they cannot charge! The other group does manage to charge in, yelling, and they take down one of the storm fellows, losing one of their own in return.

The fight grows fierce (as fights often do, and the other ghosts jump on into the fray. Meanwhile, another ghost is unghosted.

It's not enough though, and the ghosts keep on hitting with their hitting stick, taking down yet another of our heroes/villains (depending on your perspective)

They can't hold out against the relentless onslaught of spirit fists, and they too... give up the ghost.

Another victory for the nighthaunt (not to be confused with nightstalkers) and another staggering defeat for the crossbows! They have missed every time in these scenarios, i think. That's fun.

Next: The next one in the book!


  1. Hello it's me flaming from Dakka just like the other comment. Umm AoS isn't really my thing. I feel I could give more feedback on Kings of War or WHFB. I hope you dudes had fun. What's the saying about ghosts. "Gave it the ghost." "They don't stand a ghost of a chance." Oof that sounds bad but I think you like terrible puns.

    1. Terrible puns are the best puns and those work well! There will be more kings of war here soon, i can promise that
