Sunday, April 5, 2020

Hello and Night!

Well now it's been a bit hasn't it? And now here we all are, cooped up and sad and confused. That's where I am at least! I've been busy with so many things, mainly pacing,  dancing around aimlessly, and cooking. But i've had some room for some hobby related stuff to so here it is. I've been working on a force of nightstalkers for kings of war:

They're still very much a work in progress of course It's never going to be a pretty looking army, but that's not my intention. I want to get them done! And i think with the colors, they'll still look nicely creepy. Hopefully I will actually have more soon!


  1. Needs Michael Jackson's "thriller" music going on in the background along with dancing zombies.

    1. True. Really, most things would benefit from that.
